Hola me llamo Ophelia y soy una fotógrafa que vive en Filadelfia. Me emociona y me siento honrada poder ser parte de cualquier fecha importante que tengas y ¡SÍ VIAJO! Espero ser alguien con quien puedas contar y con quien te sientas cómodo(a). Sé de primera mano lo importante que puede ser la elección del fotógrafo adecuado para las fotografías que deseas conservar. Espero poder ser la persona adecuada para usted y ayudarlo con lo que está buscando. Mi enfoque principal es la calidad y asegurarme de capturar momentos inolvidables. Trabajo con bodas, retratos (de todo tipo), sesiones fotográficas de estudio y pequeños eventos para garantizar que usted y sus seres queridos tengan momentos que puedan apreciar para siempre. Espero conocerte!

Hi, my name is Ophelia and I’m a female photographer based in Philadelphia. I’m excited to be part of any important dates you may have and YES I TRAVEL! I hope to be someone you can count on and feel comfortable with. I know first hand how important choosing the right photographer could affect the pictures you hope to preserve dearly. So, I hope I can be the right fit for you and help with what you are looking for. My main focus is quality and making sure I capture unforgettable candid moments. I work with weddings, portraits(all kinds), in studio shoots and small events to ensure you and your loved ones have moments you all can cherish forever. I look forward to meeting you!

Interesting Facts about me

  • My second name is Monserrat

  • Before I fully committed to photography, I was majoring in cyber security

  • I know some ASL

  • I used to model, which makes my photography job easier because I can instantly visualizes poses for my clients.

  • My favorite food is Tacos Dorados!

  • I love quotes. In fact, my favorite one right now is “Every artist was first an amateur” by R.W.E

  • I love animals